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Cateran Ecomuseum

Toutie Street

A permanent reminder of a bygone custom.

This street name immortalises the bygone custom of the herdsman tooting his horn, alerting the townsfolk to bring out their beasts to be herded up Alyth Hill.

The deeds of over 200 properties in the old town granted their occupants the right to graze animals on the commonties of Alyth Hill to the north and Market Muir to the south of the town.

Townsfolk would typically own a couple of cows and half a dozen sheep, for milk, butter, cheese and meat, and calves or lambs for the market.

Each morning the village herdsman would slowly make his way along the road towards Alyth Hill, tooting his horn to let folk know it was time to bring out their animals for herding up to the grazings.

At the day’s end, the process would be reversed and, on hearing the herdsman’s horn, the townsfolk would come out and collect their beasts for the night.

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