The Shanzie Souterrain

An Iron Age underground structure. Souterrain (from the French ‘sous terrain’, meaning ‘underground’) is the archaeological name for a type of underground structure associated mainly with the [...]

Toutie Street

A permanent reminder of a bygone custom. This street name immortalises the bygone custom of the herdsman tooting his horn, alerting the townsfolk to bring out their beasts to be...

Unfinished Lade

Lost opportunity. A short distance from Oakbank Mill the Ericht rushes impetuously down a gorge, forming a cascade known as “The Keith.” Tradition points this out as the scene of...

Vanora’s Mound

The final resting place of King Arthur's Queen? This burial mound could well be prehistoric in date but almost certainly represents the earliest phase of Pictish burial on this site,...

Westfield Works

Ravaged by fire. Westfield  Mill was  built in  1836  by a   Mr John  Milne on  the  site where  once  stood a  lint  mill occupied  by  a Mr Dollas,  whence we  get  the familiar  name  given [...]

William Lyon Mackenzie

One of the most famous figures in Canadian history. William Lyon Mackenzie (1795-1861), an important figure in Canadian history, lived and worked here on Toutie Street in Alyth from 1814...

Wool Market

At the top of the town, where several drove roads converge, lies the  old Woolmarket, the street sign still bearing this name. Livestock fairs took place here and in the...