Macbeth’s Stone

The largest Standing Stone in the Ecomuseum. This giant of a stone measures about 12 ft high and stands on a large, low mound. Probably late Neolithic or early Bronze...

Meigle Sculptured Stone Museum

One of the most important collections of early medieval sculpture in Western Europe. Displayed in the old schoolhouse at Meigle, this magnificent collection of carved stones dates from the late...

The Balnabroich Stone

A Neolithic of Bronze Age Monolith. Also known as Stylemouth, this single standing stone, some 2m in height and  of Neolithic or Bronze Age date can more often than not...

The Drumderrach Stone

Prehistoric Standing Stone with magnificent views. Just on the eastern field boundary where the Shanzie Souterrain lies, on the other side of the hedge, is a wide grassy path leading...

Vanora’s Mound

The final resting place of King Arthur's Queen? This burial mound could well be prehistoric in date but almost certainly represents the earliest phase of Pictish burial on this site,...

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