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Cateran Ecomuseum

Our New ‘Physical’ Hub – Alyth Museum

This summer, Alyth Museum has relaunched as the new ‘physical’ hub for the Cateran Ecomuseum.

The partnership between Culture Perth and Kinross and the Cateran Ecomuseum sees a major transformation to Alyth Museum with a new ‘indoor’ experience which aims to inspire local people and visitors to go back outside into our ‘museum without walls’ and explore the natural and cultural heritage of the Ecomuseum area.

The hub includes a permanent display about the Cateran Ecomuseum area upstairs and a temporary exhibition called ‘The Great Imagining’ downstairs, which features local myths, legends and stories.

The revamped museum aims to inspire visitors to think about their relationship with nature, how humans impact the environment and how they might take climate action and transition to more sustainable ways of living.

The new hub was generously funded by a £50,000 grant secured by Culture Perth and Kinross, who own the Alyth Museum, from Museums Galleries Scotland’s (MGS) Museum Development Fund.


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